Since New Zealand’s first Electric Power Board was established in Te Awamutu in 1919, Waipa Networks has been responsible for distributing power to the Waipa area. With the advent of smarter and more sustainable power generation, Waipa Networks needed a website refresh to reflect its embracing of emerging energy technology and its commitment to community leadership and involvement.
Waipa Networks engaged CubeMedia to refresh the existing website and deliver a new brand solution for energy advanced, under which the network could promote its electric vehicle charging solutions, smart power meters and solar generation technologies. The new energy advanced brand was showcased on company assets such as vehicles and electric vehicle charging stations. Multiple visual examples were prepared by CubeMedia from which the final design was selected.
The refreshed Waipa Networks website hosts company communications and blog posts and features an integrated live twitter feed to communicate network status updates and service outages.
Brand development, Website design, Website hosting, Graphic design, Company asset graphics

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